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Postdoctoral Associate in Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Jeremy West is a postdoctoral research associate in the Department of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He received his Ph.D. in economics in 2014 from Texas A&M University.

Jeremy's research ares are industrial organization and public policy; he principally studies consumer behavior in energy and environmental economics. Much of his work examines household decisions relating to personal motor vehicles -- in short, what cars do people buy and how do they drive them? -- and the role of energy efficiency policies in shaping these decisions.

More recently, Jeremy's research has expanded to studying commercial vehicles as well, examining whether decision patterns that have been documented for households hold also for corporate fleets. In addition, Jeremy has partnered with electricity utilities to evaluate household behavior in residential electricity consumption and the adoption of home energy efficiency technologies.


  • –present
    Postdoctoral Associate in Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology