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Psychologist and Faculty Member, Toronto Metropolitan University

I am an Instructor at the University of Toronto's Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, where I teach graduate students in the Department of Applied Psychology & Human Development.

I am also at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU), providing therapy to students, training psychology residents and practicum students, and consulting with faculty and staff on complex student issues.

Between 2010 and the early part of 2022, I've have been a member of the University's Student Case Management Team which assists in supporting students of concerns and those students in conflict with the University's conduct and sexual violence policies. While on that team, I've provided risk assessments and disciplinary counselling to students who have been found to have caused harm. I'm also an Associate of Possibilities Seeds, a social change consultancy dedicated to gender justice and equity, since 2018. As an Associate of Possibilities Seeds, I've provided leadership and scholarship in their community of practice with respect to people who have caused harm, and created a number of policy response and support tools for effectively responding to campus sexual and gender-based violence for Canadian Post-Secondary Institutions. Prior to coming to TMU and since 2000, I've provided clinical support in a variety of social service and criminal justice settings, and apply an integrated, inclusive and positive psychology approach to the work I provide.


  • –present
    Psychologist, Toronto Metropolitan University


  • 2007 
    Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Ph.D.