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Joanna is currently working on a project investigating how imaginaries of wind and sun impact upon the politics mediated by energy systems. More widely, she is interested in nonviolent resistance movements, resistance poetry, and the gender of authoritarianism and resistance.

Joanna's first book 'Silenced Resistance: Women, Dictatorships, and Genderwashing in Western Sahara and Equatorial Guinea' (Wisconsin University Press, 2019) was shortlisted for the 2020 African Studies Association Fage and Oliver prize for best book on Africa and was runner up in the 2020 International Studies Association’s biennial Feminist Theory and Gender Studies book prize.


  • 2017–2019
    Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, Durham University


  • 2016 
    University of Leeds, PhD


  • 2019
    Silenced Resistance: Women, Dictatorships, and Genderwashing in Western Sahara and Equatorial Guinea,