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Professor of Respiratory Medicine, The University of Queensland

Prof John Upham is a respiratory physician and medical researcher who thinks a lot about immune dysfunction in lung diseases, and how this interacts with environmental exposures.

After specialist medical training in Brisbane, John completed a PhD with the University of Western Australia in 1996 followed by a post-doc fellowship at McMaster University in Canada. He returned to Brisbane in 2007 and holds appointments with Princess Alexandra Hospital and the University of Queensland.

His research interests include understanding the immune system in asthma, why people with chronic lung diseases are prone to virus infections and developing targeted therapies for severe asthma. He has published over 175 publications and is supported by the NHMRC.


  • –present
    Professor of Respiratory Medicine, The University of Queensland


  • 1996 
    University of Western Australia, PhD/Medicine
  • 1989 
    Royal Australasian College of Physicians, FRACP
  • 1980 
    The University of Queensland, MB BS Hons