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Johnny Andoh-Arthur

Senior Lecturer, Psychology, University of Ghana

Johnny is a senior lecturer in social and community psychology at the Department of Psychology, University of Ghana. He researches the mental and sexual health of men and young persons. He also has research and academic interests in health promotion, social cognition, culture and behaviour, community wellbeing, and qualitative research ethics (specifically in the area of accessing research participants in sensitive qualitative research). In the past few years, he has worked with colleagues in Ghana, Uganda and Norway to explore suicide, religion, meaning-making and mental health. He has a passion for translational research and implementation science, and values interdisciplinary collaborations towards seeking contextually relevant solutions to social and human problems. He has over 30 publications in peer-reviewed journal articles and has attended and presented papers at scientific conferences and workshops in Belgium, the Czech Republic, Ghana, Nicaragua, Norway, South Africa, the United State of America and Uganda.

Dr. Andoh-Arthur obtained his PhD in health science at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway, but did some of his PhD course work at the Karolinska Institutet, Sweden, and the University of Adger, Grimstad Campus, Norway. Prior to his PhD, he did a one-year course on a PhD programme (Non-Governmental Organisations and Community Development) at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. He obtained an MPhil degree in human development (with specialisation in community psychology) also from the NTNU. Prior to that he did a one-year course work on the MPhil social psychology programme at the Psychology Department of the University of Ghana. He obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology with political science (first class honours) from the University of Ghana. He is a licensed community psychologist with the Ghana Psychological Council, and a research fellow with the Center for Suicide and Violence Research (CSVR), Ghana. He is a proud Viking and an active fellow of the Mensah-Sarbah Hall, and a fellow supervisor with the West Africa Genetic Medicine Center (WAGMC), University of Ghana. He is a member of the American Psychological Association (APA), International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), International Association of Suicide Prevention (IASP), Critical Suicidology Network (CritSui), and Ghana Psychological Association (GPA). He attended Aggrey Memorial Zion Secondary School, Cape Coast, trained as a professional teacher at the Wesley College, Kumasi, Ghana, and served as the president of the University of Ghana Association of Psychology Students (UNIGAPS) during his undergraduate days at the University of Ghana.


  • –present
    Senior Lecturer, Psychology , University of Ghana