Dr Jon Chamberlain is a lecturer and applied research scientist based at the University of Essex, England.
His research interests include:
* Human language through Natural Language processing, in particular for social media discourse.
* Problem solving with collective intelligence and distributed human tasking (crowdsourcing/human computation).
* Citizen science through games, gamification and games-with-a-purpose.
* Measuring human cognition and experience using empirical methods, UX/UI techniques and surveys.
* Computer vision in 3D modelled environments.
* Labelling and aggregation of metadata in large-scale multimedia corpora
* Interactive information retrieval and data visualisation.
He's an active member of the Language and Computation (LAC) research group at the University of Essex, which covers a diverse range of disciplines including linguistics, computer science, information retrieval, social media analysis, psychology etc. He has been a reviewer and editor for several publications, including Associate Editor for the journal "Human Computation" and is on the programme committee for workshops, including PlayIT (WWW2011), Disco2013, GCI2012 and GamifIR 2014. He is co-chair of the Games4NLP workshop that will be part of the LREC conference in Japan 2018.