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Jonathan Farbowitz

Graduate Student in Moving Image Archiving and Preservation, New York University

Jonathan Farbowitz is a media archivist and a graduate of New York University’s Moving Image Archiving and Preservation program. He wrote his master's thesis on the preservation of malware by cultural heritage institutions. His other interests include archiving media related to social movements, developing free and open source software for archivists, and the ethical treatment of footage of Indigenous peoples in archival collections.

Jonathan has worked on the collections of Anthology Film Archives, the Bancroft Library at University of California Berkeley, the Museo del Cine in Buenos Aires, City University Television (CUNY TV), and the Museum of Modern Art, and currently works as a Collections Assistant at NYU's Bobst Library. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Film from Vassar College.


  • –present
    Graduate Student in Moving Image Archiving and Preservation, New York University