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Professor Jose Alarco has been involved in R&D of battery and other nanotechnology materials for almost two decades, both within academic and commercial organizations.

He has co-developed and holds numerous patents in generic processes for the manufacture of nano-scale complex, metal oxides and for applications in catalysis, batteries, electronics, etc.

Much of his work has involved taking manufacturing processes from lab to pilot plant scale at tonnes per week level.

After his PhD at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden, he did a few years of Post-doctoral work at the University of Queensland (UQ). The projects he was involved in at UQ were part of significant industry collaborations and included designing chemical processes and translating the processes into semi-automated machines and making components for the electricity supply industry, among others.

In around 2000, he left UQ to co-found Scienceworks Consultants (SWC), a small, highly capable scientific consulting company.


  • –present
    Professorial Fellow, Queensland University of Technology