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Faculty of Human Sciences Acting Research Professor, Vaal University of Technology

Prof Kaitano Dube is one of South Africa's leading tourism geographers. He is a National Research Foundation of South Africa-rated researcher. He is a Faculty of Human Science research, innovation and commercialisation professor at the Vaal University of Technology, where he also lectures ecotourism management. He is also a visiting professor at Emirates Aviation University, Dubai, UAE.

He is also an independent research consultant for the University of South Africa and an honorary visiting faculty research professor at Chandigarh University in India. He serves as an associate editor for the Cogent Social Sciences tourism section and associate editor for Frontiers in Sustainable Tourism. He serves as editor for Tourism Geographies and the Dzimbahwe Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (DJMR).

He has published more than 50 journal articles and more than 60 book chapters, edited 11 books and co-authored one book that has been highly cited worldwide. His research focuses on tourism, aviation, COVID-19 and climate change. Prof Dube is a curriculum expert who has conducted institutional and programme audits in South Africa as a panel member and chairperson. In South Africa, he has acted as a panel member for programme review for the University of South Africa and Zululand University.

He is an external PhD and Masters examiner for most leading institutions in South Africa and the SADC region. He is also a programme accreditor for the Namibia Council of Higher Education. Prof Dube holds higher education qualifications from various universities, including a BSc Hons in geography and environmental studies from Midlands State University, Zimbabwe, an MSc in geography and PhD environment management from the University of South Africa, a postgraduate diploma in higher education from the Vaal University of Technology and Future Leaders Development Certificate from Wits Business School.


  • –present
    Ecotourism Management Lecturer , Vaal University of Technology
  • 2022–present
    Faculty of Human Science Research Innovation and Commercilalisation Professor , Vaal University of Technology
  • 2019–2019
    Adjunct Lecturer Physical Geography , IIE Monash University South Africa


  • 2018 
    Vaal University of Technology , Post Graduate Advanced Diploma In Higher Education
  • 2018 
    University of South Africa, PhD Environmental Management
  • 2018 
    Witwatersrand University Johannesburg , Certificate Future Leader Development
  • 2013 
    University of South Africa, MSc Geography
  • 2006 
    Midlands State University , Hons BSc Geography


  • 2022
    Tourism in Marine Environments , Conservation and sustainability of coastal city tourism in the advent of Seal Level Rise in Durban, South Africa
  • 2022
    International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks, Climate change risk assessment of heritage tourism sites within South African national parks
  • 2022
    Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series, COVID-19 and the global cruise ship industry: potential recovery and reformation pathways
  • 2022
    Protected Areas and Tourism in Southern Africa, Nature-based tourism resources and climate change in Southern Africa: Implications for conservation and development sustainability
  • 2022
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Global Warming and Its Implications on Nature Tourism at Phinda Private Game Reserve, South Africa
  • 2022
    African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure , Tourist Perceptions of the Impacts of Climate Variability and Change on Botanical Gardens
  • 2022
    Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, COVID-19 vaccine-induced recovery and the implications of vaccine apartheid on the global tourism industry
  • 2021
    Cyclones in Southern Africa, Cyclones in Southern Africa
  • 2021
    African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, Implications of COVID-19 Induced Lockdown on the South African Tourism Industry and Prospects for Recovery
  • 2021
    Current Issues in Tourism , COVID-19 cripples global restaurant and hospitality industry
  • 2021
    Journal of Air Transport Management , COVID-19 pandemic and prospects for recovery of the global aviation industry
  • 2020
    Counting the Cost of COVID-19 on the Global Tourism Industry, Counting the Cost of COVID-19 on the Global Tourism Industry
  • 2020
    Scaling up SDGs Implementation, &Beyond’s Response to the Twin Challenges of Pollution and Climate Change in the Context of SDGs
  • 2020
    Environmental Development, Evidence and impact of climate change on South African national parks. Potential implications for tourism in the Kruger National Park
  • 2020
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE, Tourism and sustainable development goals in the African context
  • 2020
    Scaling up SDGs Implementation, Major global aircraft manufacturers and emerging responses to the SDGs Agenda
  • 2020
    Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, Vulnerability of nature-based tourism to climate variability and change: Case of Kariba resort town, Zimbabwe
  • 2020
    Current Issues in Tourism, COVID-19 cripples global restaurant and hospitality industry
  • 2020
    Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series, Tourist perceptions and attitudes regarding the impacts of climate change on Victoria Falls
  • 2020
    GeoJournal, Sustainable Development Goals localisation in the tourism sector: lessons from Grootbos Private Nature Reserve, South Africa
  • 2020
    The Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa, Tourism business operators’ perceptions, knowledge and attitudes towards climate change at Victoria Falls
  • 2020
    African Geographical Review, Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sustainability in Victoria Falls: Focus on Hotels, Tour Operators and Related Attractions
  • 2020
    Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, Climate change-induced droughts and tourism: Impacts and responses of Western Cape Province, South Africa
  • 2019
    Environmental Development, Climate change and the aviation sector: A focus on the Victoria Falls tourism route
  • 2019
    Environmental Development, Climate change and the aviation sector: A focus on the Victoria Falls tourism route
  • 2019
    Environment, Development and Sustainability, Climate change and potential impacts on tourism: evidence from the Zimbabwean side of the Victoria Falls
  • 2018
    Environmental Science & Policy, Climate variability, change and potential impacts on tourism: Evidence from the Zambian side of the Victoria Falls
  • 2018
    African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, Tourists’ knowledge and perceptions on the impact of climate change on tourism in Okavango Delta, Botswana
  • 2016
    South African Journal of Agricultural Extension, Implications of rural irrigation schemes on household economy. A case of Lower Gweru Irrigation Scheme, Zimbabwe
  • 2015
    South African Journal of Agricultural Extension, Irrigation technology for smallholder farmers : a strategy for achieving household food security in Lower Gweru Zimbabwe

Professional Memberships

  • Associate Professor