I have a PhD in Climate Change and Sustainable Development from the University of Bolton, UK. In my study, I analyzed state and non-state actors' approaches to climate change interventions in Zambia. Basically, I investigated the stakeholder-coordination nexus and brought out valuable lessons for public policy, in general, and Africa's (well firstly Zambia’s) sustainability in view of climate change, specifically.
My current field of work revolves around humanitarian relief delivery, development planning and public policy. Over the years, I have made significant contributions (of course by working in teams), such as participation in formulating Zambia’s 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th National Development Plans; developing the institutional/coordination framework for Zambia’s first ever National Policy on Climate Change; providing critical input into the creation and operationalization of Zambia’s National Designated Authority Project Office of the Green Climate Fund (GCF); and contributed to Zambia’s 2023/2024 Acute Food Insecurity analysis and report formulation, among others.
Doctoral Researcher, University of Bolton
University of Bolton, PhD
University of Bolton, MSc Project Management
A Critical Analysis of State and Non-State Actor Approaches to Climate Change Interventions in Zambia, PhD Thesis, University of Bolton
The Changing Paradigms of Zambia’s National Development Planning: An Enigma or A Necessity?, World Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
When Did Zambia Start Going Green? Assessing the Allusion to and Inclusion of Climate Change and Incidental Phenomenon in Development Planning Policy from 1964 to 2021, Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal
Application of Benefit Incidence Analysis (BIA) as a Tool to Evaluate Climate Action Spending on Climate Smart Agriculture Initiatives: An Experimental Study of the Usage of BIA on Agriculture-Related Spending in Zambia, International Journal of Environment and Climate Change
Participatory Research Methods: Importance and Limitations of Participation in Development Practice, World Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
Diagnosis of the Indicator Methodology forZambia's Whole-of-Government Monitoring and Evaluation System, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention