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Kaspar Althoefer

Professor of Robotics Engineering, King's College London

Prof. Kaspar Althoefer is an electronics engineer, leading research on Robotics and Intelligent Systems in the Centre of Advanced robotics @ Queen Mary (ARQ).

Extending his PhD research on intelligent learning methods for robot motion planning employing neural networks and fuzzy logic techniques, his research focuses now on robot autonomy, modelling of tool-environment interaction dynamics, sensing and neuro-fuzzy-based sensor signal classification with applications in robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery, miniaturization of sensing systems for the remote examination of inaccessible spaces such as the heart, intelligent vehicles and increased autonomy through embedded intelligence.

Prof Althoefer has authored/co-authored more than 150 peer-reviewed papers of which more than 40 are full, peer-reviewed journal papers. The majority of his journal papers (over 60%) are in the top journals of the field, including top transactions and journals of the IEEE and ASME and proceedings of the leading national learned societies in the field, IMechE and IET. He has published his research findings in more than 100 refereed conference papers in the proceedings of leading conferences in his field (including more than 40 papers in the top robotics conference proceedings, “International Conference on Robotics & Automation” (ICRA) and “Intelligent Robotic Systems” (IROS). He is named inventor on four patent applications.


  • –present
    Professor of robotics and intelligent systems, King's College London