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Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Yeshiva University

Dr. Ayoob is a pediatric nutritionist and registered dietician who works on obesity, heart health, and family dynamics and provides motivational counseling for parents and caregivers. A frequent commentator on dietary and nutritional issues, he is a strong opponent of fad dieting and nutrition fraud and has testified before Congress about fraudulent claims about diet pills.

Dr. Ayoob helped develop the NuVal System, a nutrition scoring system and consumer tool, now present in over 800 supermarkets around the country. He chairs the NuVal Scientific Advisory Board and has published research validating the NuVal System. In addition, Dr. Ayoob has served on the editorial board of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association and was an American Dietetic Association national media spokesperson from 1995-2004, participating in over 1,000 media interviews. He currently serves on the editorial board of two journals, Childhood Obesity andInfants, Children, and Adolescent Nutrition.


  • –present
    Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Yeshiva University