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Professor of Sociology, Cornell University

I am a Professor of Sociology at Cornell University, where I also serve as the Robert S. Harrison Director of the Institute for the Social Sciences and the Director of the Center for the Study of Inequality. I’m an affiliate of the Cornell Population Center, the Center for the Study of Economy and Society, and the Cornell Institute for Compensation Studies. Until recently, I was a co-director and co-PI of CU-ADVANCE (now the Office of Faculty Development and Diversity) and the chair of the Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility section of the ASA.

I’m also a founding member and one of the Deputy Editors of Sociological Science, a new, open access, peer-reviewed journal for the very best sociological research on general social processes. Our journal model eliminates R&Rs and lengthy review times (we’re averaging 12 days to decision, and promise no more than 30 days), brings intellectual exchanges about research out from behind the anonymity of the review process, and offers scholars, journalists, and policy makers immediate and free access to high-quality, peer-reviewed sociological research.

In my own research, I study income inequality, gender, social class, and education. Most of my research is quantitative, and uses large-scale, nationally representative surveys. I also teach courses on inequality, some for the Minor in Inequality Studies. For more details, please see the Research, Manuscripts, or CV pages on this web site.


  • –present
    Professor of Sociology, Cornell University