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PhD candidate, youth leadership in the Pacific, La Trobe University

I am Kolaia Raisele, originally from the Fiji Islands. I am currently undertaking my PhD at La Trobe University's Department of Social Inquiry in Melbourne, Australia, where my research focuses on the complexities of youth leadership and civic engagement in the Pacific Islands. My academic journey began at the University of Canterbury, where I completed my Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Anthropology and Political Science, between 2013 and 2015. This early stage sparked my love for Pacific Studies and guided my academic and career path.

Driven by a deep-seated interest in the Pacific region, I pursued further studies at the University of the South Pacific, earning a Postgraduate Diploma in Pacific Studies from 2017 to 2018. My commitment to this field led me to complete a Master of Arts in Pacific Studies at the same institution between 2019 and 2020. Recognizing the importance of effective teaching in academia, I also obtained a Postgraduate Certificate in Tertiary Teaching during 2020-2021, equipping me with the essential skills to educate and inspire others in my field.

In August 2022, I embarked on my PhD journey at La Trobe University. This significant step in my academic career has been both challenging and rewarding, allowing me to further explore and contribute to the understanding of youth leadership and civic engagement within the Pacific Islands. Since March 2023, I have also been serving as a Casual Academic in the Department of Social Inquiry at La Trobe University. This role has provided me with the invaluable opportunity to engage with students and colleagues, fostering a collaborative and dynamic academic environment.

My academic and professional qualifications reflect my unwavering dedication to the study of the Pacific Islands, with a special focus on the pivotal role of youth in shaping their communities. Through my research and teaching, I aim to make a meaningful contribution to both the academic community and the wider society, driven by a belief in the transformative power of engaged scholarship.


  • –present
    Phd Candidate, La Trobe University


    University of the South Pacific , Master of Arts in Pacific Studies