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Kairangahau Māori - Māori Researcher, Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research

Lara is of Māori (Ngāti Tahu Ngāti Whaoa, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngai Tahu), Dutch and Pākehā descent. She works as a Kairangahau Māori (indigenous researcher) to enable and empower indigenous tribes, sub-tribes, families and people through improved environmental planning, policy and legislation. She is a Trustee on one of her tribal land blocks and works for her people of Ngāti Tahu regarding their geothermal resource. She is a very proud māmā of three.


  • 2017–2021
    Kairangahau Māori, Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research
  • 2012–2017
    Māori Planner and Policy Analyst, Auckland Council