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Larissa Arroyo Navarrete

(She, her, Ella.)

Larissa Arroyo Navarrete has taught as a professor of Human Rights at both the University of Costa Rica and the National University. As a lawyer, her academic and professional work has focused on Human Rights, with a special emphasis on gender and sexual and reproductive rights. She has worked as a researcher, legal advisor, and expert consultant, collaborating with various national and regional organizations to achieve legal and political changes through strategic human rights projects.

Her academic background includes a Bachelor's and Licenciatura in Law from the University of Costa Rica. Her academic qualifications include a master's degree in human rights, complemented by post-diplomas in women´s rights, LGBTIQ + rights, antiracism, and antiableism. She is algo pursuing a second master's degree in Constitutional Justice, slated for completion in November 2024.


  • –present
    Professor of Human Rights, School of Social Work, University of Costa Rica
  • 2015–present
    President, Asociación Ciudadana ACCEDER
  • 2013–present
    Lawyer, Frente por los Derechos Igualitarios
  • 2016–present
    Academic, Universidad nacional

Professional Memberships

  • Colegio de abogados y abogadas de Costa Rica