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Professor of Microbiology, University of Birmingham

Laura Piddock is Professor of Microbiology. Since she started her PhD in 1982, she has been at the forefront of antimicrobial research. Laura started her career in a clinical environment and has successfuly integrated this background with academic research.

She has published 151 original articles in international peer reviewed journals, 36 invited review articles, 41 research letters, 129 conference proceedings and five chapters in academic books. She has given 44 plenary lectures at international conferences. She has an H-index of 50.

Her current research focuses on understanding mechanisms of antibiotic resistance as a basis for drug discovery and includes (1) multidrug efflux (pumping out of the bacterial cell) and regulation (switching on and off) of multidrug efflux pumps, and (2) furthering understanding of the mechanism of transfer of plasmids (mobile genetic elements) between bacteria. For further information about the work of Laura's team, please see the Antimicrobials Research Group website:


  • –present
    Deputy Direcotor, The Institute of Microbiology and Infection
  • –present
    BSAC Chair in Public Engagement, Britsh Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
  • –present
    Director, Antibiotic Action, Britsh Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
  • –present
    Professor of Microbiology, University of Birmingham


  • 1985 
    University of Birmingham, PhD