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Linda M Slack-Smith

Professor, Lead Oral Health Inequalities Program, The University of Western Australia

Professor Linda Slack-Smith leads the Oral Health Inequities Research Group and is WA lead on the APHCRI Centre for Research Excellence in Primary Oral Health Care. She is President of the Australasian Epidemiological Association and President of the ANZ Division of the International Association for Dental Research. With her team and collaborators she is interested in understanding and reducing inequities in oral health using data linkage and other big data, qualitative approaches to understand perceptions of stakeholders and actively translating evidence and influencing policy. The team has a strong humanities focus with expertise including medical humanities, anthropology and sociology. Research interests include hearing and seeking to understand perspectives of the barriers and enablers to oral health of groups who are marginalised in society – including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, the aged, people with mental health disorders, refugee populations and the disabled.


  • –present
    Professor, Lead Oral Health Inequalities Program, University of Western Australia


  • 2000 
    University of Western Australia, PhD Paediatric epidemiology