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Senior Lecturer in Medieval History, Edge Hill University

I received my BA and MA from Brown University and my PhD from the University of Connecticut. Before joining Edge Hill, I taught in the Department of English at the University of Mississippi and the School of History at University College Dublin. I am a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. My work focuses on transcultural and multilingual connectivity in early medieval Britain and Ireland. My first book, Writing the Welsh borderlands in Anglo-Saxon England (Manchester University Press, 2017) was winner of the Best Book on an Anglo-Saxon Topic Publication Prize from the International Society for the Study of Early Medieval England in 2019 and the Southeastern Medieval Association award for best first book in 2020. My second book, The Origin Legends of Early Medieval Britain and Ireland (Cambridge University Press, 2022) was published last year, and I have just completed a Cambridge Element entitled Multilingualism in Early Medieval Britain.
I have held fellowships as a Text Technologies Fellow at Stanford University, A.W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Medieval Studies at the Medieval Institute at the University of Notre Dame, British Academy Visiting Fellow at the University of Birmingham, Marie Skłodowska Curie COFUND Fellow in the Trinity Long Room Hub at Trinity College Dublin, and Resident Fellow in the Centre for Advanced Studies at the University of Tübingen. Current projects include a volume on multilingualism for the Cambridge Elements series and a larger project on intellectual connectivity in the Viking Age.
Research Interests
My work focuses on historical and textual connections across the early medieval Irish Sea zone, encompassing material in Old English, Old Irish, Middle Welsh, Old Norse, and Latin.


  • –present
    Senior Lecturer in Medieval History, Edge Hill University