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Senior Research Officer, University of Essex

I am a senior researcher position at the University of Essex working on a project exploring the impact that rioting has on nonviolent resistance. My PhD research
assessed the relationship between ethnic-based political inequalities explain the onset of communal conflict, the emergence of nonviolent resistance and the dynamics civil war. I am also a research fellow at the Conflict Analysis Research Centre at the University of Kent.

In this area of research I focus on Africa and use Large-N quantitative methodology to explore the causes and dynamics of contentious action. I am also currently a member of the Conflict Research Society, have recently taught Negotiation and Mediation (MA) as an associate lecturer at the University of Kent, and I am an accredited community mediator based in London.


  • –present
    Senior Researcher and PhD Candidate in International Conflict Analysis, University of Kent


  • 2017 
    University of Kent, PhD in International Conflict Analysis (Viva in September 2017)