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Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing, University of Wollongong

Luke Johnson is a senior lecturer in creative writing at the University of Wollongong and author of the short story collection Ferocious Animals (RWP 2021). His poetry and prose have appeared in such places as Griffith Review, Island, Southerly, Overland, Westerly, The Lifted Brow, HEAT, Mascara Literary Review, Going Down Swinging, and have won or been listed for numerous national prizes, including the Elizabeth Jolley Prize, the Josephine Ulrick
Prize, the Katharine Susannah Prichard Award, and the AAWP Chapter One Prize. His most recent project was a poetry-art exhibition with legendary Australian artist, Garry Shead.


  • –present
    Lecturer in Creative Writing, University of Wollongong


  • 2014 
    UTS, PhD