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Professor of Political Sociology, University of Sussex

Luke is a political sociologist at Sussex University interested in socialism, social democracy, social and green alternatives, and global politics. His book Alternative Societies: For a Pluralist Socialism, 2023, covers: alternative economies; social alternatives; utopianism and change; socialism and its critics; the democratic economy; and alternative globalisation.

He has published The Sociology of Globalization, 2010 (second edition 2017), and, with Stephen Driver, New Labour, 1998, and Blair's Britain, 2002. He co-edited Social Democracy: global and national perspectives, 2001, which looks at changes and national differences in social democracy, its relationship to Europe and globalisation, and criticisms and alternatives. The Third Way and Beyond: criticisms, futures, alternatives, co-edited, 2004, is about critical perspectives on the third way on issues like equality, the state, and community.

Luke is author of Ecology and Society, 1994. His PhD in the 1980s was on socialism and associational democracy.


  • –present
    Teaching Fellow in Sociology (Sociology and Criminology), University of Sussex