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Lynne Frances Baxter

Senior Lecturer in Management Systems, University of York

Dr Lynne Baxter is the head of the OBTT group and a senior lecturer in management systems at the University of York.

Lynne decided she wanted to be an academic after enjoying her undergraduate dissertation research experience where she investigated the corporate takeovers in the Scotch Whisky Industry at the University of Edinburgh.

She went from there to Manchester Business School to study for her PhD which investigated the implementation of a local area network computer system and the power relations in the organisation.

After that she obtained employment at the University of Glasgow, where she was one of a team of research associates investigating supply relations between OEMs and their local networks. The team developed a relationship assessment tool, which was of sufficient commercial interest that they formed a consultancy company, SCMG Ltd, to promote the dissemination of their findings, and Lynne was a founding director. She joined The York Management School in January 2005.

She has published in the areas of manufacturing management and organisation theory, and in 2004 was jointly awarded the best paper prize in the Research Methodology section of the American Academy of Management.

Her book 'Managing Performance Improvement' was published in 2008.

She is currently researching the dissolution of supply chains and gender and engineering design. She was elected the secretary of the Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism, which has over 750 members.


  • –present
    Senior Lecturer in Management Systems, University of York


  • 1996 
    Manchester Business School, PhD