Madeleine Orr is the Founder and Co-Director of The Sport Ecology Group, and a lecturer at Loughborough University London where she is developing the world's first Masters program in Sport and Sustainability.
Madeleine studies the impacts of climate change on the sport sector, with a focus on vulnerability and resilience research. Madeleine's work has been published in several discipline-leading journals including the Journal of Sport Management, Sport Management Review, the Journal of Sport & Tourism, and Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health. Madeleine is a board member for Eco-Athletes, Think Ocean, and holds a regional seat representing Canada & the Caribbean with the Commonwealth Youth Sport for Development and Peace network.
Madeleine's work has been recognised by Forbes (30 Under 30 in Sports, 2021); Corporate Knights (30 Under 30 in Sustainability Leadership, 2020); and North American Association for Environmental Education (30 Under 30 in Enviro Ed, 2020).