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PhD Population Biology and Ecology, Université de Nouvelle Calédonie

I am a New Caledonian researcher in Ecology and Conservation Biology and project manager in concerted management of hunted flying foxes. I am finishing my PhD on the conservation of two hunted flying fox species in New Caledonia and the impacts of hunting and predation by feral cats on these species. I’m also studying the movements of these species using GPS tags. My professional objective is to participate, at my level, in the development of my country in my field of expertise. In concrete terms, I would like to carry out management and research projects for the conservation of biodiversity in New Caledonia and in the Pacific. I am also involved in these issues via associations, the Gardiens Des Iles (GDI) association and the Association pour la Conservation des Chauves-Souris en Nouvelle-Calédonie (ACCS). Networking: I would be delighted to share with you my research topics or broader topics related to them, such as biodiversity conservation in island ecosystems or the management of threatened or invasive species, so do not hesitate to contact me.


  • 2021–present
    Project manager, Norther Province of New Caledonia
  • 2017–2021
    PhD student, University of New Caledonia