Malika joined BU in 2017 to complete her PhD in Health Sciences and joined the Department of Rehabilitation and Sport Sciences in February 2021 as a Lecturer in Health and Exercise Science. She is Programme Leader for BSc (Hons) Sports Therapy and teaches physiology and innovation units on this programme. Her research interests are in women's health, especially related to maternal health, and in the areas of physical activity and non-pharmacological treatment methods.
Malika is continuing to research in the field of her PhD area and has received internal Faculty pump-priming to run a feasibility trial investigating the feasibility of using slow and deep breathing to manage high blood pressure during pregnancy (pregnancy-induced hypertension).
After submitting her PhD in 2021, Malika joined the University of Exeter as a Postdoctoral Research Associate to join the Moving Through Motherhood research team. The GW4 Alliance funded project supported a multi-disciplinary team and Malika's role was to organise and run a series of virtual workshops.
Malika has received internal HSS pump-priming funding to complete the study 'Effects of slow and deep breathing on reducing obstetric intervention in women with pregnancy-induced hypertension'. Recruitment for this study will open in Jan 2022 at a local NHS Foundation Trust.
Malika is part of the Moving Through Motherhood research group, which is a multi-disciplinary team from University of Exeter, University of Bath, University of Bristol, Cardiff University and King's College London. Their aim is to improve information and resources for women related to physical activity during and after pregnancy. Using a co-design methodology, pregnant women, mother's and other stakeholders contribute as collaborators in the research process. Malika won the Early Career Researcher Award at the WiSEAN Conference (Women in Sport and Exercise Academic Network) in Liverpool in June 2023, for presenting this work. The award is given for outstanding work in the field of women in sport and exercise science and Malika was selected for the award by members of the WiSEAN scientific committee and fellow Early Career Researchers.