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Director, Environmental Humanities Laboratory, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

I am an environmental historian (with a PhD in Economic History), currently working as a the Director of the KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory in Stockholm. I am also a Senior Researcher at the National Research Council, Italy.

I am one of the founders of the environmental history field in Italy, authoring, among other works, the first Italian textbook on the subject.

My main topics of study have been environmental conflicts, uses of natural resources, politicization of nature and landscape, and the environmental effects of mass migrations. In English, I have published the book A Rugged Nation. Mountains and the Making of Modern Italy (2011). I have also published several articles and special issues in Environment and History, Left History, Radical History Review, and Capitalism Nature Socialism (where I am also one of the senior editors). I have also edited with Marcus Hall Nature and History in Modern Italy, with Lise Sedrez Environmentalism. Local Struggles, Global Histories, and Views from the South. Environmental Stories from the Mediterranean World (19th -20th cent.).

Before moving to the KTH EHL I have been post-doctoral fellow and visiting scholar at Yale University, UC Berkeley, Stanford, the Autonomous University in Barcelona, and the Center for Social Sciences at the University of Coimbra, Portugal


  • –present
    Director, Environmental Humanities Laboratory, KTH Royal Institute of Technology