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Margaret Littlejohn

Medical Scientist, Melbourne Health

Dr Margaret Littlejohn is a senior medical scientist in the Molecular Research and Development Laboratory at the Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory. Dr. Littlejohn has over 20 years of experience in molecular research into Hepatitis B Virus, with particular expertise in ongoing development of assays for detection of HBV markers. This research has led to numerous publications and presentations by the applicant at interrnational and domestic conferences. She provides technical support and expert assistance to staff and students working at VIDRL and is involved in training staff visiting VIDRL from a number of collaborating laboratories, as well as providing information to clinicians on technical aspects of HBV diagnostic assays and interpretation of results to assist with patient management. As a member of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Viral Hepatitis (Melbourne), she has been involved in WHO missions to countries within the Western Pacific Region as a facilitator and technical consultant, contributing to viral hepatitis laboratory, surveillance and patient monitoring systems. At the Peter Doherty Institute, she has co-organised a national cross-translational workshop on the effects of HBV in the Indigenous population, bringing together clinicians, researchers and Indigenous health advocates, and has co-organised recent World Hepatitis Day symposia.


  • –present
    Medical Scientist, Melbourne Health


  • 1996 
    University of Melbourne, PhD