Margaret Lombe, PhD, is an Associate Professor at Boston College School of Social Work and Assistant Dean for the Doctoral Program. She is also a faculty associate at the Center for Social Development at Washington University in St. Louis. Dr. Lombe's area of expertise is international social development with an emphasis on social inclusion/exclusion and capacity building. She also specializes in methods for food security and nutrition assessment and evaluation of programs both locally and internationally. She uses an interdisciplinary research approach to examine poverty, food security, and livelihoods.
Dr. Lombe has conducted evaluations for Non-Governmental Organizations including Catholic Relief Services, Entreculturas, OXFAM America & OXFAM Great Britain, Global Ignatian Advocacy Networks (GIAN), and the Association of Member Episcopal Conference of Eastern Africa (AMECEA). She has also served as an ongoing consultant to the United Nations and has participated in a number of Experts Group Meetings (EGM) on inclusion/exclusion. Recently, Lombe was a member of Policy Unit I, and provided guidance to UN-HABITAT, leading to implementation of HABITAT III, the New Urban Agenda for inclusive cities.
Dr. Lombe has developed and taught a number of courses including global practice and program monitoring and evaluation. Currently, she serves as founding editor of Beyond Borders: Advances in Global Welfare. Dr. Lombe also serves on various journal editorial boards and is the author of more than 30 book chapters, reports, and peer reviewed publications. She is co-editor of a book on Children and AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. Her recent work has appeared in refereed journals such as: Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment; Social Work Research; Journal of Poverty; Children and Youth Services Review; and the Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare.