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Professor of Film Studies, University of East Anglia

Mark Jancovich came to UEA in September 2004. He studied at Keele University, the University of Kent at Canterbury and Indiana University. He has taught at the Universities of Keele, Manchester, and Nottingham, where he founded the Institute of Film Studies. He is the co-editor of two book series; a founding member of Scope: An Online Journal of Film Studies; a member of several editorial and editorial advisory boards; and has been a member of research panel 2 of the AHRB, an subpanel of RAE 2008, and a member of the Executive of the Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association. He has been an external examiner at over ten different Universities and supervised numerous research students to the successful completion of their studies.

Mark also blogs on TV horror and fantasy at


  • –present
    Professor of Film Studies, University of East Anglia