Mark holds a PhD in Energy Policy/Technology Studies, which addressed technological change in the UK electricity supply sector associated with privatisation. He specialises in cross-disciplinary research on energy systems, low carbon innovation policy and socio-technical innovation in energy systems.
As the UK Energy Research Centre’s Research Co-ordinator, Mark supports cross-disciplinary research across the UKERC’s whole energy systems research programme.
His own research addresses innovation systems in energy technologies. As part of the Energy 2050 project, Mark led a team of UKERC researchers who analysed technology acceleration for low carbon energy supply technologies. Along with Professors Jim Skea and Paul Ekins, Mark is co-editor of the Earthscan book based on UKERC research: ‘Energy 2050: Making the Transition to a Secure Low Carbon Energy System’.
Mark has held a number of research grant funding awards, and has acted as an advisor for organisations such as the Carbon Trust and the International Energy Agency. He has an multi-disciplinary education and research experience across the physical, environmental and social sciences. He is also a member of the University of Edinburgh’s Institute for Energy Systems.