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Reader in Modern French Thought and Culture, University of Cambridge

Martin Crowley works on modern and contemporary thought and culture. His current research examines responses to crisis and catastrophe in the work of modern French thinkers.

He is the author of: L'Homme sans: Politiques de la finitude (Lignes, 2009); The New Pornographies: Explicit Sex in Recent French Fiction and Film (co-authored with Victoria Best; Manchester University Press, 2007); Robert Antelme: L'humanité irréductible (Lignes/Éditions Léo Scheer, 2004); Robert Antelme: Humanity, Community, Testimony (Legenda, 2003), and Duras, Writing, and the Ethical: Making the Broken Whole (OUP, 2000); and the editor of Contact! The Art of Touch/L'Art du toucher (L'Esprit Créateur, Fall 2007), and Dying Words: The Last Moments of Writers and Philosophers (Rodopi, 2000).


  • –present
    Reader in Modern French Thought and Culture, University of Cambridge