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Professor of Molecular Medicine, University of Kent

Martin Michaelis received his Pharmacy Degree (Approbation, 1998) and his PhD (2001) from the Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Since 2011, he has been working as Professor of Molecular Medicine at the University of Kent, where he runs a joint wet/ computational laboratory together with Mark Wass. He works on topics associated with cancer and viruses, with a focus on anti-cancer and antiviral therapies.


  • 2011–present
    Professor, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK
  • 2005–2011
    Deputy Group Leader, Institute of Medical Virology, Frankfurt/Main, Germany
  • 2009–2011
    Deputy Group Leader, Dr Petra Joh Research Institute, Frankfurt/Main, Germany
  • 2001–2004
    Postdoctoral research associate, Institute of Medical Virology, Frankfurt/Main, Germany


  • 2001 
    Goethe-University, Frankfurt/ Main, Germany, PhD
  • 1998 
    Goethe-University, Frankfurt/ Main, Germany, Pharmacy Degree (Approbation)