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Research Fellow in Animal Welfare, Queen's University Belfast

Mary is a research fellow at Queen's University, carrying out welfare projects alongside the broiler industry in Northern Ireland. Her PhD focuses on improving the housing of intensively farmed broiler chickens.

She studies animal behaviour in order to identify markers of positive emotions in broiler chickens, which could help inform how to create positive living environments for livestock in captivity.


  • 2018–present
    Postdoctoral research fellow, Queen's University Belfast


  • 2018 
    Queen's University Belfast, PhD in Animal Welfare
  • 2013 
    University of Edinburgh, MSc in Applied Animal Behaviour and Animal Welfare
  • 2012 
    University of Liverpool, BSc Bioveterinary Science


  • 2019
    animal, Play behaviour, fear responses and activity levels in commercial broiler chickens provided with preferred environmental enrichments
  • 2019
    Applied Animal Behaviour Science, Does grouping environmental enrichments together affect the way they are used by commercially housed broiler chickens?.
  • 2018
    animal, An evaluation of potential dustbathing substrates for commercial broiler chickens
  • 2018
    Applied Animal Behaviour Science, Evaluation of a dustbathing substrate and straw bales as environmental enrichments in commercial broiler housing
  • 2018
    Applied Animal Behaviour Science, Exploring perch provision options for commercial broiler chickens