The role of sibling aggression during childhood in decision-making in adulthood, Current Psychology
Poly-victimization, poly-strengths, and their contribution to subjective wellbeing and posttraumatic growth, Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy
Investigating differences in sleep disturbance, dissociation, and anxiety due to the severity and timing of betrayal trauma experienced, Journal of Loss and Trauma
Compassion fatigue, compassion satisfaction and burnout and their associations with anxiety and depression in UK police officers: A mixed-method analysis, The Police Journal: Theory, Practice, and Principles.
“I get knocked down, but I get up again”: A qualitative exploration of posttraumatic growth after multiple traumas, Traumatology
Emotion regulation mediates posttraumatic growth and Cluster B personality traits after childhood trauma, Violence & Victims
Emotional resilience and event centrality mediate posttraumatic growth following adverse childhood experiences, Psychological Trauma: Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy
Posttraumatic stress symptoms mediate the relationship between adverse childhood experiences, avoidant personality traits and resilience, Anxiety, Stress, & Coping
A qualitative study of the practices and experiences of staff in multidisciplinary child sexual exploitation partnerships in three coastal towns, Journal of Social Policy and Administration
Trauma characteristics and posttraumatic growth: The mediating role of intrusive thoughts, social support and avoidance coping, Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy
The role of emotional resilience, childhood parentification, and attachment style on antisocial behavior in adulthood: A comparison of an offender and normative population, Journal of Criminal Psychology
Rumination, event centrality and perceived control as predictors of posttraumatic growth and distress: The Cognitive Growth and Stress model, British Journal of Clinical Psychology
Posttraumatic growth in students, crime survivors and trauma workers exposed to adversity, Personality and Individual Differences
A qualitative examination of engagement with support services by victims of violent crime, International Review of Victimology
Predictors of engagement with support services in a sample of UK victims of violent crime, British Journal of Community Justice
Assessing risk in adult victims of domestic violence, Safer Communities
Psychosocial influences on the motivation of young offenders to engage in a non-custodial community intervention, Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology
Repeat victimisation, retraumatisation and victim vulnerability, Open Criminology Journal