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Matthew Campbell

I am the Lecturer in Treaty at the University of Melbourne's Australian Centre. We provide teaching and research which focuses on the relationship between Indigenous peoples and the state. We provide Masters level education focused on Treaty, designed for those who are called upon to do the work of making treaties a reality, both Indigenous and non Indigenous. Our research programs are guided by an ethical imperative to consider what must be done to inform, shape and give life to more just relations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples on this continent we now call Australia.


  • 2014–present
    Adjunct associate, Charles Darwin University
  • 2022–present
    Lecturer, University of Melbourne


  • 2022 
    Charles Darwin University, Doctor of Philosophy
  • 2008 
    Australian National University, Masters of Applied Anthropology
  • 1993 
    Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Bachelor of Landscape Architecture