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Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Byzantine History, Hitotsubashi University

I completed my doctorate in 12th century Byzantine history, focusing on the effects of the First Crusade. I am now a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research Fellows at Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, where I am writing a book based on my research.


  • –present
    Research Fellow in Byzantine History, Oxford University/Hitotsubashi University


  • 2016 
    Oxford University, DPhil in History
  • 2011 
    Oxford University, MSt in Late Antique and Byzantine Studies
  • 2010 
    University of St Andrews, MA (Hons) in History


  • 2017
    “Piroska-Eirene, the First Western Empress in Byzantium: Power and Perception", Saint Piroska 880: Holiness and Power in Komnenian Constantinople
  • 2016
    ““Ioannoupolis: Lopadion as ‘City’ and Military Headquarters under Emperor Ioannes II Komnenos", From Constantinople to the Frontier: The City and the Cities
  • 2016
    “Multilateral Cooperation in the Black Sea in the Late Eleventh and Early Twelfth Centuries: The Case for an Alliance between Byzantium, Kiev and Georgia", Cross Cultural Exchange in the Byzantine World, c.300 – 1500 A.D.: Selected Papers from the XVII Oxford University Byzantine Society’s International Graduate Conference
  • 2016
    “Rewriting the 1120s: Chronology and Crisis under John II Komnenos” , Making and Remaking Byzantium, Limes Plus Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • 2016
    “The Naval Reform of Emperor John II Komnenos: A Re-evaluation” , Mediterranean Historical Review 31.2
  • 2014
    "The Power of Poetry – Portraying the expansion of the empire under John II Komnenos", Landscapes of Power

Grants and Contracts

  • 2014
    Colin Matthew Fund
    Fieldwork in Serbia and Kosovo
    Funding Source:
    St Hugh's College, Oxford
  • 2013
    E.O. James Bequest
    Fieldwork in Anatolia
    Funding Source:
    All Souls College, Oxford
  • 2012
    Dacre Graduate Research Prize
    Fieldwork in Anatolia
    Funding Source:
    Oriel College, Oxford