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Professor, Faculty of Humanities (FIBUI) University of Indonesia, Universitas Indonesia

Professor of literary and cultural studies at the Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia. Her research and essays have been published in a number of books and journals. Some of these include “Hijacking Shakespeare: Indonesian Faces of Julius Caesar” in Shakespeare’s Asia Journey, Critical Encounters, Cultural Geographies, and the Politics of Travel, (eds. Bi-qi Beatrice Lei, Judy Celine Ick, and Poetnam Trivedi, New York: Routledge, 2017); “Culture, Power and Identity: The Case of Ang Hien Hoo, Malang”, Wacana Vol 18,2 (2017). She also edited two anthologies of Indonesian literature, namely, An Ocean of Becoming, Literature from the Indonesian Archipelago (editor, with Manneke Budiman), Jakarta, Lontar Foundation, 2017, and Indonesian Women Writers, Yvonne Michalik and Melani Budianta (eds), Berlin: Regiospectra Verlag, 2015


  • –present
    Professor, Faculty of Humanities (FIBUI) University of Indonesia, Universitas Indonesia