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Lecturer in Victorian Literature, University of Birmingham

Melisa Dickson joined the Department of English at the University of Birmingham in January 2018, having worked for nearly 4 years as a Postdoctoral Researcher on ‘The Diseases of Modern Life’, an ERC funded project based at St Anne’s College, Oxford, investigating nineteenth-century cultural, literary, and medical understandings of stress, overwork, and other disorders associated in the period with the problems of modernity. She has a PhD in English from King's College, London, and an MPhil, BA, and University Medal from the University of Queensland, Australia. Her research focuses on the relationships between Victorian literature, science, medicine, and material culture. She is particularly interested in the study and depiction of the senses and the workings of memory in the nineteenth century and her current work is on explorations of the body’s physiological and psychological responses to sound and music in the nineteenth century.


  • –present
    Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Oxford