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Research Fellow, Animal Welfare Science Centre, The University of Melbourne

Dr Mia Cobb is an animal welfare scientist, science communicator and research fellow at the University of Melbourne's Animal Welfare Science Centre in Victoria. Her research explores human attitudes, housing and management practices, animal behaviour, stress physiology and how animal welfare relates to the sustainability of animal-based industries. Mia is also active in the exciting domains of science communication, emerging technologies, citizen science, welfare auditing, and all things dog.

Following an undergraduate science degree majoring in animal behaviour, she worked in animal welfare shelter and working dog industry for over a decade. In 2012, she founded a popular collaborative blog (Do You Believe In Dog?) with fellow canine scientist, Julie Hecht, who is based in New York.

Mia led the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy's working dog initiatives to advance the welfare of Australia's iconic working dogs and is a Director of the Australian Working Dog Alliance, a registered non-profit organisation that works with industry to improve the welfare of Australia's working and sporting dogs.


  • 2019–present
    Research Fellow, The University of Melbourne
  • 2019–present
    Graduate Research Supervisor, Monash Unviersity
  • 2018–present
    Sessional Lecturer, Deakin University


  • 2020 
    Australian National University, Grad. Cert. (Science Communication)
  • 2019 
    Monash University, PhD
  • 1999 
    Monash University, BSc(Hons)

Research Areas

  • Zoology (0608)
  • Animal Behaviour (060801)
  • Animal Management (070203)
  • Humane Animal Treatment (070207)
  • Psychology And Cognitive Sciences (17)
  • Applied Ethics (2201)