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Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering , Queensland University of Technology

Since the award of my PhD (2006), I have established an international reputation in the rapidly advancing field of biomaterials and biofabrication.
As a result of my high quality outputs, competitive grant success, and proactive engagement with industry and international collaborators, I was one of the youngest senior lecturers at QUT promoted to Associate Professor (2013).
I have established a high performing team of 20 underpinned by a state-of the-art histology facility.
After commencing at QUT seven years ago, I have been a Chief Investigator on over $3 million in research grants, including $1.3 million in current ARC and NHMRC funding. Furthermore, I am CI on a recently awarded multimillion innovative manufacturing CRC (2015).
I am the recipient of a Vice Chancellor’s Research Fellowship, and ARC Fellowship and have published more than 60 high ranking peer reviewed papers.


  • –present
    Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering , Queensland University of Technology