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Michael Sciffer

(he, him, his)
PhD candidate, Murdoch University

Michael Sciffer is a PhD candidate at Murdoch University in Perth, Western Australia. His research focuses on the causes and outcomes of school segregation in Australia and internationally. He is a teacher and school counsellor working in a range of public schools in rural New South Wales.


  • –present
    PhD Candidate, Murdoch University, Murdoch University


  • 2014 
    University of Wollongong, Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology


  • 2022
    The substantiveness of socioeconomic school compositional effects in Australia: measurement error and the relationship with academic composition, Large-scale Assessments in Education
  • 2022
    Does school socioeconomic composition matter more in some countries than others, and if so, why?, Comparative Education
  • 2021
    Appropriate modelling of school compositional effects: a response to Malatinszky and Armor, and Marks, British Journal of Sociology of Education
  • 2020
    Critiques of socio-economic school compositional effects: are they valid?, British Journal of Sociology of Education