I have taught undergraduate and graduate courses in new media, media and culture, and feminist media studies in the Film-Video and Media Studies department in the Bellisario College of Communications at Penn State for the past 12 years. I am also affiliate faculty in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and the Rock Ethics Institute. Prior to that I taught for 3 years in the Department of Communication at the University of Cincinnati. I serve on the editorial board of four journals in critical/cultural and feminist media studies: Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology; Communication, Culture & Critique; tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique, and Women's Studies in Communication. My research has been published in dozens of scholarly journal articles and book chapters and spans critical studies of media, labor, gender, ethnicity, systems of oppression and social movements for liberation including on new labor movements and movements to end sexual harassment and assault. My current book project, Making Media Work: A Cultural History of New Media and Labor Management 1910-2020, explores how new media figure in efforts to make workers more productive.
Scholar in Residence, Humanities Institute at Penn State, Spring 2020; Deans' Excellence Award for Research and Creative Activity in 2014.