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Professor of Palliative Medicine, University of Hull

Miriam Johnson is Professor of Palliative Medicine at the Hull York Medical School and Director of the Wolfson Palliative Care Research Centre at the University of Hull. Her research interests include the palliation of chronic breathlessness, palliative care for people with non-malignant disease and venous thromboembolism in advanced cancer. Her projects use a variety of study designs and methodologies (clinical trials, qualitative studies, observational studies, secondary data analysis and evidence synthesis) and she holds grants from a variety of funders (NIHR, BHF, Marie Curie/CRUK, Dunhill Medical Trust) and has published widely in her field.

She is Joint Speciality lead for the Yorkshire and Humber Clinical Research Network. In conjunction with the local cardiologists, she has developed one of the first joint services for heart patients in the UK at St. Catherine’s Hospice in Scarborough where she is an honorary consultant.


  • –present
    Professor , University of Hull