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Graduated in Archeology and Geography at the University of Zadar in 2007, after which he worked for a few years as a conservator of stone monuments and as a conservator-restorer of underwater archeological material at the Croatian Restoration Institute. Since 2005 he has been involved in underwater archeological researches. After completing the SSI Dive Control Specialist course, he began independently running underwater research – Recconaissance of Zadar and Šibenik County, shipwreck Babuljaš at Pakostane, Big Osijek Bridge and others. He is currently employed at the International Center for Underwater Archeology in Zadar (MCPA) as Head of the Department of Documentation and Education. He is responsible for conducting underwater archeology courses based on the MCPA / UNESCO program as well as the Nautical Archeology Society (NAS) courses as a senior tutor. Interested in underwater archeology in the ancient period and in 2010 at the University of Zadar he enrolled in a doctoral study with the theme “African Import from the Croatian Underground I.-V. century.”


  • –present
    Underwater archaeologist, International Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar