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Mohamad D. Revindo

Head of Business Climate and Global Value Chain Research Group at LPEM FEB UI, Universitas Indonesia

Revindo has been appointed as the head of Business Climate and Global Value Chain Research Group at LPEM FEB UI since 2017. He joined LPEM-FEBUI in 2009 and has since been a research associate with the institute, after previously worked as a survey coordinator and a quality auditor at PT. Surveyor Indonesia, a state-owned enterprise specializing in survey, inspection and certification services.

Revindo has an extensive experience in research, survey and consulting projects for various national and international client organizations. His national client organizations include, amongst others, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas), Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ministry of Finance, Creative Economy Agency (Bekraf), National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM), PT Telkom, PT Krakatau Steel, PT ASDP, PT Sucofindo and Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI). He has also been involved in multiple projects with international organizations including APEC Secretariat, JICA, Australian DFAT, British Prosperity Funds and European Development Fund.

In addition to research, Revindo is a lecturer at the Graduate School of Strategic and Global Studies (Sekolah Pasca Sarjana Kajian Stratejik dan Global) Universitas Indonesia, and a facilitator at LPEM FEB UI’s training of National Planner (FPP) and Regional Development Planning. He previously held teaching position at Prasetiya Mulya University and teaching assistant at Lincoln University, New Zealand. He teaches a broad range of subjects including Introduction to Economics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Economic Development, International Trade, European Economy and Economic Indicators.

Revindo earned his Ph.D. in Economics from Lincoln University, New Zealand and a recipient of New Zealand-ASEAN Scholar Awards (2013-2017). His Ph.D. thesis is titled “Internationalisation of Indonesian SMEs”. He also holds a M.A. in European Studies from KU Leuven, Belgium (2008), a M.Sc. in Economics from KU Leuven, Belgium (2007) and a B.A. in Economics and Development Studies from University of Indonesia (2000).


  • –present
    Head of Business Climate and Global Value Chain Research Group at LPEM FEB UI, Universitas Indonesia