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Professor of Sociology, Université de la Manouba

Dr Monia Lachheb is a sociologist, researcher and professor at the University of Manouba - Tunis. Her work falls within the field of the sociology of the body and sexualities. Alongside several academic articles on the social issues of the body and on sexualitiy and sports, she has published: (2012), Penser le corps au Maghreb (Thinking the body in the Maghreb), Paris, Karthala; (2016), Etre homosexuel au Maghreb (Being Homosexual in the Maghreb), Paris, Karthala; (2018), Transgresser au Maghreb. La normalité et ses dépassements (Transgressing in the Maghreb - Normality and its excesses) (with Philippe Chaudat).


  • –present
    Professor of Sociology, Université de la Manouba