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SAGE Athena SWAN Program Manager, La Trobe University

Dr Natasha Weir (formerly Campo) is the author of From Superwomen to Domestic Goddesses: The Rise and Fall of Feminism (which in 2010 was awarded the Australian Historical Association’s W.K. Hancock Prize, and shortlisted for the Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards, First Book of History). She completed her PhD at La Trobe University in 2006 and followed the standard academic career of casual teaching, research assistance work, and fixed-term contracts, before deciding to move into the realm of gender equality in higher education. She currently manages the SAGE Athena SWAN program at La Trobe and is responsible for numerous gender equity initiatives across the University. She has two young children and continues to write and publish on feminism and popular culture in her ‘spare’ time.


  • –present
    Research Gender Equity Project Officer , La Trobe University


  • 2007 
    La Trobe University , PhD Gender Studies/History