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Natasha Whiteman

Lecturer in Media and Communication, University of Leicester

I am an Associate Professor in the School of Media, Communication and Sociology at the University of Leicester. My research examines the methods and ethics of online research, the ethics of contemporary media audiences, and the practices of online fan communities. I am the author of Undoing Ethics: Rethinking practice in online research (2012, New York: Springer). My other recent publications on ethics include:

N. Whiteman (2018) "What if they're bastards?: Ethics and the imagining of the other in the study of online fan cultures" in R. Iphofen and M. Tolich (eds) SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research Ethics.
N. Whiteman (2017) "Accounting for ethics: towards a de-humanised comparative approach" Qualitative Research.
N. Whiteman (2016) "Unsettling Relations: Disrupting the ethical subject in fan studies research" Journal of Fandom Studies, 4 (3): 307-324.
N. Whiteman (2015) “Intellectual Property and the Construction of Un/Ethical Audiences”, in D. Halbert and M. David (Eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Intellectual Property, SAGE, 470-489.


  • –present
    Lecturer in Media and Communication, University of Leicester

Professional Memberships

  • Association of Internet Researchers