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Dr Nick Rose is a specialist in the emerging field of sustainable food systems and the related fields of food sovereignty and food security. Nick was awarded his PhD in Political Ecology from RMIT University for investigating the transformative potential of the global food sovereignty movement. During and after his PhD, he co-founded and coordinated the Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance (2010-2015), where he was one of the developers of Australia's first crowd-sourced food policy document, the People’s Food Plan, jointly coordinated Fair Food Week, and was the Content Director of Australia's first food politics documentary, Fair Food. As a Churchill Fellow (2014), he investigated innovative models of urban agriculture in the US, Canada and Argentina. He is the editor of the anthology, Fair Food: Stories from a movement changing the world (2015). As Executive Director of Sustain: The Australian Food Network, he supports food system policy and program work local government and beyond, with research studies into Food Hubs, local food economies and urban agriculture.


  • 2009–present
    Director, Food Connect Foundation
  • 2010–present
    Research Director, Think Food Consultancy
  • 2010–present
    National Coordinator, Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance
  • 2013–present
    Project Coordinator, Food Systems, Food Alliance, Deakin University


  • 2013 
    RMIT Global Cities Institute, PhD
  • 2006 
    Deakin University, Masters in International and Community Development
  • 1989 
    Melbourne University, Bachelor of Laws


Churchill Fellow